Section Code Editor

The section code editor is a powerful feature in Windframe that allows users to select and edit specific sections of their code. This tool is especially useful when you need to make alterations to certain parts of your user interface (UI) without impacting the rest of your project.

Here are the steps to use the section code editor in Windframe:

Step 1: Select the UI Part

Navigate to the specific part of your UI that you wish to edit and click to select it. This process ensures that only the code associated with this selected part will be available for editing, leaving the rest of your code unaffected.


Step 2: Access the Section Code Editor

After selecting the part of the UI you want to edit, access the section code editor. On the elements quick action tool bar you will see the "edit your code" button. Click on the button. The code editor will open for you to edit your code.


Step 3: Edit the Code

With the code editor open, you can now make the necessary changes to your code. This could include altering classes, adjusting class values, or adding new lines of code.


Step 4: Update Changes

After you have made changes, click "Update" button. This will update the changes in both design and source views of that particular element.
