
Select 2

React Bootstrap 5 Select 2

The React Bootstrap 5 Select component is the pro version of the React Bootstrap 5 Select2 component,, CDBSelect. For your select button, there are several predefined styles. To use in your project, get the CDB pro version.

Importing the Contrast Select2 Component

Import 'CDBSelect2' into your app to use the Contrast React Bootstrap 5 Rating component.

import { CDBSelect2 } from "cdbreact";

Select Button

Pro Component
Contrast React Bootstrap 5 Default Select2 button
import React from "react";
import { CDBSelect2, CDBContainer } from "cdbreact";
export const Select = () => {
const [option] = useState([
text: "Select Option",
text: "Another Option",
text: "Option 3",
text: "Option 4",
text: "Last Option",
return (
<CDBSelect2 options={option} iconBrand selected="Choose an option" color="white"/>

Disabled Select Button

Pro Component

To make the select button inactive, use the disabled prop.

Contrast React Bootstrap 5 Disabled Select2 Button
import React from "react";
import { CDBSelect2, CDBContainer } from "cdbreact";
export const Select = () => {
const [option] = useState([
text: "Select Option",
text: "Another Option",
text: "Option 3",
text: "Option 4",
text: "Last Option",
return (
<CDBSelect2 options={option} iconBrand selected="Choose an option" disabled color="none" />

Colored Select Button

Pro Component

You can change the background color of the select button with the 'color' prop.

Contrast React Bootstrap 5 Colored Select2 Button
import React from "react";
import { CDBSelect2, CDBContainer } from "cdbreact";
export const Select = () => {
const [option] = useState([
text: "Select Option",
text: "Another Option",
text: "Option 3",
text: "Option 4",
text: "Last Option",
return (
<CDBSelect2 options={option} iconBrand selected="Choose an option" color="primary" />
<CDBSelect2 options={option} iconBrand selected="Choose an option" color="secondary" />
<CDBSelect2 options={option} iconBrand selected="Choose an option" color="success" />
<CDBSelect2 options={option} iconBrand selected="Choose an option" color="warning" />
<CDBSelect2 options={option} iconBrand selected="Choose an option" color="dark" />

Colored Buttons with Hover Color

Pro Component

The hoverColor component adds a hover effect to your selected options.

Contrast React Bootstrap 5 Colored Select2 Buttons with Hover
import React from "react";
import { CDBSelect2, CDBContainer } from "cdbreact";
export const Select = () => {
const [option] = useState([
text: "Select Option",
text: "Another Option",
text: "Option 3",
text: "Option 4",
text: "Last Option",
return (
<CDBSelect2 options={option} iconBrand selected="Choose an option" hoverColor color="danger" />


Pro Component
import React from "react";
import { CDBSelect, CDBContainer } from "cdbreact";
export const Select = () => {
const option = useState([
text: "Select Option",
text: "Another Option",
text: "Option 3",
text: "Option 4",
text: "Last Option",
return (
<CDBSelect selected="Options" options={option}/>

API Reference: Contrast React Bootstrap 5 Select2 Props

The props you get to use with the Contrast React Bootstrap 5 Select2 component will be elaborated on in this section. You'll understand what these props are for, how to use them in your code, and what their default values are.

Other 'CDBSelect2' prop options are listed below in the table

classNameStringAdds custom classes<CDBSelect2 className="myClass" ... />
tagStringdivChanges default tag<CDBSelect2 tag="div" ... />
disableBooleanfalseIf true - the option wont be clickable.<CDBSelect2 disabled .../>
colorStringSets colorful hover effect on select options.<CDBSelect2 color="primary" ... />
iconSizeStringSets size of icon brand in select option<CDBSelect2 iconSize="20px" ... />
iconBrandBooleanfalseadds icon to the select option<CDBSelect2 iconBrand .../>
iconLightBooleanfalseSets the icon light<CDBSelect2 iconLight .../>
iconRegularBooleanfalseSets the icon regular<CDBSelect2 iconRegular .../>
iconClassStringAdds custom class to icon<CDBSelect2 iconClass="myClass" ... />
optionsArray of ObjectsSets options array as source of data. This property is used in alternative Select version.<CDBSelect2 options={options}" ... />
hoverColorBooleanfalseSets hover effect on select options.<CDBSelect2 hoverColor .../>
selectedStringSet default select text content.<CDBSelect2 selected="Choose one" ... />
optionClassNameStringAdds custom classes to options<CDBSelect2 optionClassName="my-class" ... />

Build modern projects using Bootstrap 5 and Contrast

Trying to create components and pages for a web app or website from scratch while maintaining a modern User interface can be very tedious. This is why we created Contrast, to help drastically reduce the amount of time we spend doing that. so we can focus on building some other aspects of the project.

Contrast Bootstrap PRO consists of a Premium UI Kit Library featuring over 10000+ component variants. Which even comes bundled together with its own admin template comprising of 5 admin dashboards and 23+ additional admin and multipurpose pages for building almost any type of website or web app.
See a demo and learn more about Contrast Bootstrap Pro by clicking here.