React Bootstrap 5 Stepper
React Bootstrap 5 Stepper is a component that shows content in the form of a process with user-defined milestones. Buttons divide and connect the stages that follow.
This is an excellent option for a variety of registration forms in which you don't want to overwhelm the user with too many fields and queries.
The stepper can be positioned both vertically and horizontally.
Examples of React Bootstrap 5 steps use:
- Registration form
- Payment gateway
- Tutorial with steps
Importing the Contrast React Bootstrap 5 Stepper and Step Component
Import CDBStepper
into your project to use the React Bootstrap 5 Stepper component. After that, you import CDBStep
. The component CDBStep
is nested within the component CDBStepper
. They represent the many steps of the process.
import { CDBStepper, CDBStep } from "cdbreact";
Horizontal Stepper
import React, { useState } from "react";import styled from '@emotion/styled'import { CDBStepper, CDBStep, CDBInput, CDBBtn, CDBContainer } from "cdbreact";
const Stepper = () => { const [active, setActive] = useState(1);
const handleNextPrevClick = a => setActive(a); return ( <CDBStepper> <CDBStep id={1} icon="pencil-alt" name="Basic Information" handleClick={() => handleNextPrevClick(1)} active={active} component={<Step1 handleNextPrevClick={handleNextPrevClick} />} /> <CDBStep id={2} icon="info-circle" name="Personal Data" handleClick={() => handleNextPrevClick(2)} active={active} component={<Step2 handleNextPrevClick={handleNextPrevClick} />} /> <CDBStep id={3} icon="book-reader" name="Terms and Conditions" handleClick={() => handleNextPrevClick(3)} active={active} component={<Step3 handleNextPrevClick={handleNextPrevClick} />} /> <CDBStep id={4} icon="check" name="Finish" handleClick={() => handleNextPrevClick(4)} active={active} component={<Step4 handleNextPrevClick={handleNextPrevClick} />} /> </CDBStepper> );};
export default Stepper;
const Step4 = ({ handleNextPrevClick }) => { return ( <StepContainer md="12"> <div style={{ width: '100%', background: '#f9f9f9', padding: '30px 10px', height: '100%' }}> <div style={{ margin: '0 auto', maxWidth: '500px', borderRadius: '10px', background: '#f5f5f5', boxShadow: '0px 4px 10px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05)', }} > <FlexColumnContainer> <div style={{ textAlign: 'center', padding: '20px 0 10px 0', color: '#939393', fontSize: '30px', fontWeight: 'bold', }} > Step 4 </div> <FlexColumnContainer width="100%"> <div style={{ fontSize: '25px', textAlign: 'center' }}> Congratulations! You have completed this process. <span style={{ fontSize: '50px', display: 'block' }} role="img" aria-label="image"> 🎉 </span> </div> <div style={{ marginTop: '20px', display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'space-around' }}> <CDBBtn flat outline circle={false} color="secondary" onClick={() => handleNextPrevClick(3)} > Previous </CDBBtn> </div> </FlexColumnContainer> </FlexColumnContainer> </div> </div> </StepContainer> );};
const Step3 = ({ handleNextPrevClick }) => { return ( <StepContainer> <div style={{ width: '100%', background: '#f9f9f9', padding: '30px 10px', height: '100%' }}> <div style={{ margin: '0 auto', maxWidth: '500px', borderRadius: '10px', background: '#f5f5f5', boxShadow: '0px 4px 10px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05)', }} > <FlexColumnContainer> <div style={{ textAlign: 'center', padding: '20px 0 10px 0', color: '#939393', fontSize: '30px', fontWeight: 'bold', }} > Step 3 </div> <FlexColumnContainer width="100%"> <div style={{ fontSize: '10px', fontWeight: '200', maxHeight: '300px', overflowY: 'auto', }} > <p> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Qui dicta minus molestiae vel beatae natus eveniet ratione temporibus aperiam harum alias officiis assumenda officia quibusdam deleniti eos cupiditate dolore doloribus! </p> <p> Ad dolore dignissimos asperiores dicta facere optio quod commodi nam tempore recusandae. Rerum sed nulla eum vero expedita ex delectus voluptates rem at neque quos facere sequi unde optio aliquam! </p> <p> Ad dolore dignissimos asperiores dicta facere optio quod commodi nam tempore recusandae. Rerum sed nulla eum vero expedita ex delectus voluptates rem at neque quos facere sequi unde optio aliquam! </p> <p> Ad dolore dignissimos asperiores dicta facere optio quod commodi nam tempore recusandae. Rerum sed nulla eum vero expedita ex delectus voluptates rem at neque quos facere sequi unde optio aliquam! </p> </div> <div style={{ marginTop: '20px', display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'space-around' }}> <CDBBtn className="float-start" circle={false} color="secondary" flat outline onClick={() => handleNextPrevClick(2)} > Previous </CDBBtn> <CDBBtn className="float-end" flat color="secondary" circle={false} onClick={() => handleNextPrevClick(4)} > Next </CDBBtn> </div> </FlexColumnContainer> </FlexColumnContainer> </div> </div> </StepContainer> );};
const Step2 = ({ handleNextPrevClick }) => { return ( <StepContainer md="12"> <div style={{ width: '100%', background: '#f9f9f9', padding: '30px 10px', height: '100%' }}> <div style={{ margin: '0 auto', maxWidth: '500px', borderRadius: '10px', background: '#f5f5f5', boxShadow: '0px 4px 10px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05)', }} > <FlexColumnContainer> <div style={{ textAlign: 'center', padding: '20px 0 10px 0', color: '#939393', fontSize: '30px', fontWeight: 'bold', }} > Step 2 </div> <FlexColumnContainer width="100%"> <CDBInput color="secondary" label="FirstName" /> <CDBInput color="secondary" label="LastName" /> <CDBInput color="secondary" label="Surname" /> <CDBInput color="secondary" label="Address" /> <CDBInput color="secondary" label="Country" /> <div style={{ marginTop: '20px', display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'space-around' }}> <CDBBtn color="secondary" flat className="float-start" circle={false} outline onClick={() => handleNextPrevClick(1)} > Previous </CDBBtn> <CDBBtn color="secondary" circle={false} flat className="float-end" onClick={() => handleNextPrevClick(3)} > Next </CDBBtn> </div> </FlexColumnContainer> </FlexColumnContainer> </div> </div> </StepContainer> );};
const Step1 = ({ handleNextPrevClick }) => { return ( <StepContainer> <div style={{ width: '100%', background: '#f9f9f9', padding: '30px 10px', height: '100%' }}> <div style={{ margin: '0 auto', maxWidth: '500px', borderRadius: '10px', background: '#f5f5f5', boxShadow: '0px 4px 10px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05)', }} > <FlexColumnContainer> <div style={{ textAlign: 'center', padding: '20px 0 10px 0', color: '#939393', fontSize: '30px', fontWeight: 'bold', }} > Step 1 </div> <FlexColumnContainer width="100%"> <CDBInput color="secondary" label="Username" /> <CDBInput color="secondary" label="Email" /> <CDBInput color="secondary" label="Password" /> <CDBInput color="secondary" label="Confirm Password" /> <div style={{ marginTop: '20px', display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'space-around' }}> <CDBBtn color="secondary" flat circle={false} className="float-end" onClick={() => handleNextPrevClick(2)} > Next </CDBBtn> </div> </FlexColumnContainer> </FlexColumnContainer> </div> </div> </StepContainer> );};
const FlexColumnContainer = styled('div')` padding: 10px; display: flex; flex-direction: column; width: ${props => props.width}; justify-content: ${props => (props.justifyContent ? props.justifyContent : 'center')}; align-items: ${props => (props.alignItems ? props.alignItems : 'center')}; box-sizing: border-box;`;
const StepContainer = styled('div')` width: 100%; height: 100%;`;
Vertical Stepper
Pro ComponentThe CDBStepper
accepts a direction
parameter that specifies the stepper's orientation.
Alongside our CDBStepper
, we also import CDBIcon for our icons, CDBInput for the input fields, and the CDBButton for our buttons.
Each CDBStep
component accepts a component props that defines the component to render when that step is active
import React, { useState } from "react";import styled from '@emotion/styled'import { CDBStepper, CDBStep, CDBInput, CDBBtn, CDBContainer } from "cdbreact";
const Stepper = () => { const [active, setActive] = useState(1);
const handleNextPrevClick = a => { setActive(a); }; return ( <CDBStepper direction="vertical" > <CDBStep id={1} icon="pencil-alt" name="Basic Information" handleClick={() => handleNextPrevClick(1)} active={active} component={<Step1 handleNextPrevClick={handleNextPrevClick} />} /> <CDBStep id={2} icon="info-circle" name="Personal Data" handleClick={() => handleNextPrevClick(2)} active={active} component={<Step2 handleNextPrevClick={handleNextPrevClick} />} /> <CDBStep id={3} icon="book-reader" name="Terms and Conditions" handleClick={() => handleNextPrevClick(3)} active={active} component={<Step3 handleNextPrevClick={handleNextPrevClick} />} /> <CDBStep id={4} icon="check" name="Finish" handleClick={() => handleNextPrevClick(4)} active={active} component={<Step4 handleNextPrevClick={handleNextPrevClick} />} /> </CDBStepper> );};
export default Stepper;
const Step4 = ({ handleNextPrevClick }) => { return ( <StepContainer md="12"> <div style={{ width: '100%', background: '#f9f9f9', padding: '30px 10px', height: '100%' }}> <div style={{ margin: '0 auto', maxWidth: '500px', borderRadius: '10px', background: '#f5f5f5', boxShadow: '0px 4px 10px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05)', }} > <FlexColumnContainer> <div style={{ textAlign: 'center', padding: '20px 0 10px 0', color: '#939393', fontSize: '30px', fontWeight: 'bold', }} > Step 4 </div> <FlexColumnContainer width="100%"> <div style={{ fontSize: '25px', textAlign: 'center' }}> Congratulations! You have completed this process. <span style={{ fontSize: '50px', display: 'block' }} role="img" aria-label="image"> 🎉 </span> </div> <div style={{ marginTop: '20px', display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'space-around' }}> <CDBBtn flat outline circle={false} color="secondary" onClick={() => handleNextPrevClick(3)} > Previous </CDBBtn> </div> </FlexColumnContainer> </FlexColumnContainer> </div> </div> </StepContainer> );};
const Step3 = ({ handleNextPrevClick }) => { return ( <StepContainer> <div style={{ width: '100%', background: '#f9f9f9', padding: '30px 10px', height: '100%' }}> <div style={{ margin: '0 auto', maxWidth: '500px', borderRadius: '10px', background: '#f5f5f5', boxShadow: '0px 4px 10px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05)', }} > <FlexColumnContainer> <div style={{ textAlign: 'center', padding: '20px 0 10px 0', color: '#939393', fontSize: '30px', fontWeight: 'bold', }} > Step 3 </div> <FlexColumnContainer width="100%"> <div style={{ fontSize: '10px', fontWeight: '200', maxHeight: '300px', overflowY: 'auto', }} > <p> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Qui dicta minus molestiae vel beatae natus eveniet ratione temporibus aperiam harum alias officiis assumenda officia quibusdam deleniti eos cupiditate dolore doloribus! </p> <p> Ad dolore dignissimos asperiores dicta facere optio quod commodi nam tempore recusandae. Rerum sed nulla eum vero expedita ex delectus voluptates rem at neque quos facere sequi unde optio aliquam! </p> <p> Ad dolore dignissimos asperiores dicta facere optio quod commodi nam tempore recusandae. Rerum sed nulla eum vero expedita ex delectus voluptates rem at neque quos facere sequi unde optio aliquam! </p> <p> Ad dolore dignissimos asperiores dicta facere optio quod commodi nam tempore recusandae. Rerum sed nulla eum vero expedita ex delectus voluptates rem at neque quos facere sequi unde optio aliquam! </p> </div> <div style={{ marginTop: '20px', display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'space-around' }}> <CDBBtn className="float-start" circle={false} color="secondary" flat outline onClick={() => handleNextPrevClick(2)} > Previous </CDBBtn> <CDBBtn className="float-end" flat color="secondary" circle={false} onClick={() => handleNextPrevClick(4)} > Next </CDBBtn> </div> </FlexColumnContainer> </FlexColumnContainer> </div> </div> </StepContainer> );};
const Step2 = ({ handleNextPrevClick }) => { return ( <StepContainer md="12"> <div style={{ width: '100%', background: '#f9f9f9', padding: '30px 10px', height: '100%' }}> <div style={{ margin: '0 auto', maxWidth: '500px', borderRadius: '10px', background: '#f5f5f5', boxShadow: '0px 4px 10px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05)', }} > <FlexColumnContainer> <div style={{ textAlign: 'center', padding: '20px 0 10px 0', color: '#939393', fontSize: '30px', fontWeight: 'bold', }} > Step 2 </div> <FlexColumnContainer width="100%"> <CDBInput color="secondary" label="FirstName" /> <CDBInput color="secondary" label="LastName" /> <CDBInput color="secondary" label="Surname" /> <CDBInput color="secondary" label="Address" /> <CDBInput color="secondary" label="Country" /> <div style={{ marginTop: '20px', display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'space-around' }}> <CDBBtn color="secondary" flat className="float-start" circle={false} outline onClick={() => handleNextPrevClick(1)} > Previous </CDBBtn> <CDBBtn color="secondary" circle={false} flat className="float-end" onClick={() => handleNextPrevClick(3)} > Next </CDBBtn> </div> </FlexColumnContainer> </FlexColumnContainer> </div> </div> </StepContainer> );};
const Step1 = ({ handleNextPrevClick }) => { return ( <StepContainer> <div style={{ width: '100%', background: '#f9f9f9', padding: '30px 10px', height: '100%' }}> <div style={{ margin: '0 auto', maxWidth: '500px', borderRadius: '10px', background: '#f5f5f5', boxShadow: '0px 4px 10px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05)', }} > <FlexColumnContainer> <div style={{ textAlign: 'center', padding: '20px 0 10px 0', color: '#939393', fontSize: '30px', fontWeight: 'bold', }} > Step 1 </div> <FlexColumnContainer width="100%"> <CDBInput color="secondary" label="Username" /> <CDBInput color="secondary" label="Email" /> <CDBInput color="secondary" label="Password" /> <CDBInput color="secondary" label="Confirm Password" /> <div style={{ marginTop: '20px', display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'space-around' }}> <CDBBtn color="secondary" flat circle={false} className="float-end" onClick={() => handleNextPrevClick(2)} > Next </CDBBtn> </div> </FlexColumnContainer> </FlexColumnContainer> </div> </div> </StepContainer> );};
const FlexColumnContainer = styled('div')` padding: 10px; display: flex; flex-direction: column; width: ${props => props.width}; justify-content: ${props => (props.justifyContent ? props.justifyContent : 'center')}; align-items: ${props => (props.alignItems ? props.alignItems : 'center')}; box-sizing: border-box;`;const StepContainer = styled('div')` width: 100%; height: 100%;`;
Stepper Without Icons and Headers
import React, { useState } from "react";import styled from '@emotion/styled'import { CDBStepper, CDBStep, CDBContainer } from "cdbreact";
export const Stepper = () => {
const [active, setActive] = useState(1)
const handleNextPrevClick = (a) => { setActive(a) }; return ( <CDBStepper direction="horizontal"<