

React Bootstrap 5 DataTables

React Bootstrap 5 DataTables are components that mix tables with advanced options like searching, sorting and pagination.

Importing the DataTable Component

To use the Contrast React Bootstrap 5 DateTable component, you import CDBDateTable into your project.

import { CDBDataTable } from 'cdbreact';

In this tutorial we use the CDBCard component for the table body. Check out the docs for more understanding.

Default DataTable

You may design the datable component below by utilizing majority of CDBDatatable's design and data organization properties. Zebra stripes are added to the table's body using the striped property, hoverable columns in the table are made by giving the component the hover property, and the borders of the tables and cells are set using the bordered attribute. React Bootstrap 5 Default DateTable

import React from 'react';
import { CDBCard, CDBCardBody, CDBDataTable, CDBContainer } from 'cdbreact';
const DataTable = () => {
function testClickEvent(param) {
alert('Row Click Event');
const data = () => {
return {
columns: [
label: 'Name',
field: 'name',
width: 150,
attributes: {
'aria-controls': 'DataTable',
'aria-label': 'Name',
label: 'Position',
field: 'position',
width: 270,
label: 'Office',
field: 'office',
width: 200,
label: 'Age',
field: 'age',
sort: 'asc',
width: 100,
label: 'Start date',
field: 'date',
sort: 'disabled',
width: 150,
label: 'Salary',
field: 'salary',
sort: 'disabled',
width: 100,
rows: [
name: 'Tiger Nixon',
position: 'System Architect',
office: 'Edinburgh',
age: '61',
date: '2011/04/25',
salary: '$320',
clickEvent: () => testClickEvent(1),
name: 'Garrett Winters',
position: 'Accountant',
office: 'Tokyo',
age: '63',
date: '2011/07/25',
salary: '$170',
name: 'Ashton Cox',
position: 'Junior Technical Author',
office: 'San Francisco',
age: '66',
date: '2009/01/12',
salary: '$86',
name: 'Cedric Kelly',
position: 'Senior Javascript Developer',
office: 'Edinburgh',
age: '22',
date: '2012/03/29',
salary: '$433',
name: 'Airi Satou',
position: 'Accountant',
office: 'Tokyo',
age: '33',
date: '2008/11/28',
salary: '$162',
name: 'Brielle Williamson',
position: 'Integration Specialist',
office: 'New York',
age: '61',
date: '2012/12/02',
salary: '$372',
name: 'Herrod Chandler',
position: 'Sales Assistant',
office: 'San Francisco',
age: '59',
date: '2012/08/06',
salary: '$137',
name: 'Rhona Davidson',
position: 'Integration Specialist',
office: 'Tokyo',
age: '55',
date: '2010/10/14',
salary: '$327',
name: 'Colleen Hurst',
position: 'Javascript Developer',
office: 'San Francisco',
age: '39',
date: '2009/09/15',
salary: '$205',
name: 'Sonya Frost',
position: 'Software Engineer',
office: 'Edinburgh',
age: '23',
date: '2008/12/13',
salary: '$103',
name: 'Jena Gaines',
position: 'Office Manager',
office: 'London',
age: '30',
date: '2008/12/19',
salary: '$90',
name: 'Quinn Flynn',
position: 'Support Lead',
office: 'Edinburgh',
age: '22',
date: '2013/03/03',
salary: '$342',
name: 'Charde Marshall',
position: 'Regional Director',
office: 'San Francisco',
age: '36',
date: '2008/10/16',
salary: '$470',
name: 'Haley Kennedy',
position: 'Senior Marketing Designer',
office: 'London',
age: '43',
date: '2012/12/18',
salary: '$313',
name: 'Tatyana Fitzpatrick',
position: 'Regional Director',
office: 'London',
age: '19',
date: '2010/03/17',
salary: '$385',
name: 'Michael Silva',
position: 'Marketing Designer',
office: 'London',
age: '66',
date: '2012/11/27',
salary: '$198',
name: 'Paul Byrd',
position: 'Chief Financial Officer (CFO)',
office: 'New York',
age: '64',
date: '2010/06/09',
salary: '$725',
name: 'Gloria Little',
position: 'Systems Administrator',
office: 'New York',
age: '59',
date: '2009/04/10',
salary: '$237',
name: 'Bradley Greer',
position: 'Software Engineer',
office: 'London',
age: '41',
date: '2012/10/13',
salary: '$132',
name: 'Dai Rios',
position: 'Personnel Lead',
office: 'Edinburgh',
age: '35',
date: '2012/09/26',
salary: '$217',
name: 'Jenette Caldwell',
position: 'Development Lead',
office: 'New York',
age: '30',
date: '2011/09/03',
salary: '$345',
name: 'Yuri Berry',
position: 'Chief Marketing Officer (CMO)',
office: 'New York',
age: '40',
date: '2009/06/25',
salary: '$675',
name: 'Caesar Vance',
position: 'Pre-Sales Support',
office: 'New York',
age: '21',
date: '2011/12/12',
salary: '$106',
name: 'Doris Wilder',
position: 'Sales Assistant',
office: 'Sidney',
age: '23',
date: '2010/09/20',
salary: '$85',
name: 'Angelica Ramos',
position: 'Chief Executive Officer (CEO)',
office: 'London',
age: '47',
date: '2009/10/09',
salary: '$1',
name: 'Gavin Joyce',
position: 'Developer',
office: 'Edinburgh',
age: '42',
date: '2010/12/22',
salary: '$92',
name: 'Jennifer Chang',
position: 'Regional Director',
office: 'Singapore',
age: '28',
date: '2010/11/14',
salary: '$357',
name: 'Brenden Wagner',
position: 'Software Engineer',
office: 'San Francisco',
age: '28',
date: '2011/06/07',
salary: '$206',
name: 'Fiona Green',
position: 'Chief Operating Officer (COO)',
office: 'San Francisco',
age: '48',
date: '2010/03/11',
salary: '$850',
name: 'Shou Itou',
position: 'Regional Marketing',
office: 'Tokyo',
age: '20',
date: '2011/08/14',
salary: '$163',
name: 'Michelle House',
position: 'Integration Specialist',
office: 'Sidney',
age: '37',
date: '2011/06/02',
salary: '$95',
name: 'Suki Burks',
position: 'Developer',
office: 'London',
age: '53',
date: '2009/10/22',
salary: '$114',
name: 'Prescott Bartlett',
position: 'Technical Author',
office: 'London',
age: '27',
date: '2011/05/07',
salary: '$145',
name: 'Donna Snider',
position: 'Customer Support',
office: 'New York',
age: '27',
date: '2011/01/25',
salary: '$112',
return (
entriesOptions={[5, 20, 25]}
export default DataTable;

Not Striped

Set the striped property to false to create a non-striped datatable component using CDBDataTable. React Bootstrap 5 Not Striped DateTable

import React from 'react';
import { CDBCard, CDBCardBody, CDBDataTable, CDBContainer } from 'cdbreact';
const DataTable = () => {
function testClickEvent(param) {
alert('Row Click Event');
const data = () => {
return {
columns: [
label: 'Name',
field: 'name',
width: 150,
attributes: {
'aria-controls': 'DataTable',
'aria-label': 'Name',
label: 'Position',
field: 'position',
width: 270,
label: 'Office',
field: 'office',
width: 200,
label: 'Age',
field: 'age',
sort: 'asc',
width: 100,
label: 'Start date',
field: 'date',
sort: 'disabled',
width: 150,
label: 'Salary',
field: 'salary',
sort: 'disabled',
width: 100,
rows: [
name: 'Tiger Nixon',
position: 'System Architect',
office: 'Edinburgh',
age: '61',
date: '2011/04/25',
salary: '$320',
clickEvent: () => testClickEvent(1),
name: 'Garrett Winters',
position: 'Accountant',
office: 'Tokyo',
age: '63',
date: '2011/07/25',
salary: '$170',
name: 'Ashton Cox',
position: 'Junior Technical Author',
office: 'San Francisco',
age: '66',
date: '2009/01/12',
salary: '$86',
name: 'Cedric Kelly',
position: 'Senior Javascript Developer',
office: 'Edinburgh',
age: '22',
date: '2012/03/29',
salary: '$433',
name: 'Airi Satou',
position: 'Accountant',
office: 'Tokyo',
age: '33',
date: '2008/11/28',
salary: '$162',
name: 'Brielle Williamson',
position: 'Integration Specialist',
office: 'New York',
age: '61',
date: '2012/12/02',
salary: '$372',
name: 'Herrod Chandler',
position: 'Sales Assistant',
office: 'San Francisco',
age: '59',
date: '2012/08/06',
salary: '$137',
name: 'Rhona Davidson',
position: 'Integration Specialist',
office: 'Tokyo',
age: '55',
date: '2010/10/14',
salary: '$327',
name: 'Colleen Hurst',
position: 'Javascript Developer',
office: 'San Francisco',
age: '39',
date: '2009/09/15',
salary: '$205',
name: 'Sonya Frost',
position: 'Software Engineer',
office: 'Edinburgh',
age: '23',
date: '2008/12/13',
salary: '$103',
name: 'Jena Gaines',
position: 'Office Manager',
office: 'London',
age: '30',
date: '2008/12/19',
salary: '$90',
name: 'Quinn Flynn',
position: 'Support Lead',
office: 'Edinburgh',
age: '22',
date: '2013/03/03',
salary: '$342',
name: 'Charde Marshall',
position: 'Regional Director',
office: 'San Francisco',
age: '36',
date: '2008/10/16',
salary: '$470',
name: 'Haley Kennedy',
position: 'Senior Marketing Designer',
office: 'London',
age: '43',
date: '2012/12/18',
salary: '$313',
name: 'Tatyana Fitzpatrick',
position: 'Regional Director',
office: 'London',
age: '19',
date: '2010/03/17',
salary: '$385',
name: 'Michael Silva',
position: 'Marketing Designer',
office: 'London',
age: '66',
date: '2012/11/27',
salary: '$198',
name: 'Paul Byrd',
position: 'Chief Financial Officer (CFO)',
office: 'New York',
age: '64',
date: '2010/06/09',
salary: '$725',
name: 'Gloria Little',
position: 'Systems Administrator',
office: 'New York',
age: '59',
date: '2009/04/10',
salary: '$237',
name: 'Bradley Greer',
position: 'Software Engineer',
office: 'London',
age: '41',
date: '2012/10/13',
salary: '$132',
name: 'Dai Rios',
position: 'Personnel Lead',
office: 'Edinburgh',
age: '35',
date: '2012/09/26',
salary: '$217',
name: 'Jenette Caldwell',
position: 'Development Lead',
office: 'New York',
age: '30',
date: '2011/09/03',
salary: '$345',
name: 'Yuri Berry',
position: 'Chief Marketing Officer (CMO)',
office: 'New York',
age: '40',
date: '2009/06/25',
salary: '$675',
name: 'Caesar Vance',
position: 'Pre-Sales Support',
office: 'New York',
age: '21',
date: '2011/12/12',
salary: '$106',
name: 'Doris Wilder',
position: 'Sales Assistant',
office: 'Sidney',
age: '23',
date: '2010/09/20',
salary: '$85',
name: 'Angelica Ramos',
position: 'Chief Executive Officer (CEO)',
office: 'London',
age: '47',
date: '2009/10/09',
salary: '$1',
name: 'Gavin Joyce',
position: 'Developer',
office: 'Edinburgh',
age: '42',
date: '2010/12/22',
salary: '$92',
name: 'Jennifer Chang',
position: 'Regional Director',
office: 'Singapore',
age: '28',
date: '2010/11/14',
salary: '$357',
name: 'Brenden Wagner',
position: 'Software Engineer',
office: 'San Francisco',
age: '28',
date: '2011/06/07',
salary: '$206',
name: 'Fiona Green',
position: 'Chief Operating Officer (COO)',
office: 'San Francisco',
age: '48',
date: '2010/03/11',
salary: '$850',
name: 'Shou Itou',
position: 'Regional Marketing',
office: 'Tokyo',
age: '20',
date: '2011/08/14',
salary: '$163',
name: 'Michelle House',
position: 'Integration Specialist',
office: 'Sidney',
age: '37',
date: '2011/06/02',
salary: '$95',
name: 'Suki Burks',
position: 'Developer',
office: 'London',
age: '53',
date: '2009/10/22',
salary: '$114',
name: 'Prescott Bartlett',
position: 'Technical Author',
office: 'London',
age: '27',
date: '2011/05/07',
salary: '$145',
name: 'Donna Snider',
position: 'Customer Support',
office: 'New York',
age: '27',
date: '2011/01/25',
salary: '$112',
return (
entriesOptions={[5, 20, 25]}
export default DataTable;

Fixed Height

Setting the maxHeight property gives the table a fixed height, which makes it scroll vertically. React Bootstrap 5 Fixed Height DataTables

import React from 'react';
import { CDBCard, CDBCardBody, CDBDataTable, CDBRow, CDBCol, CDBContainer } from 'cdbreact';
const DataTable = () => {
function testClickEvent(param) {
alert('Row Click Event');
const data = () => {
return {
columns: [
label: 'Name',
field: 'name',
width: 150,
attributes: {
'aria-controls': 'DataTable',
'aria-label': 'Name',
label: 'Position',
field: 'position',
width: 270,
label: 'Office',
field: 'office',
width: 200,
label: 'Age',
field: 'age',
sort: 'asc',
width: 100,
label: 'Start date',
field: 'date',
sort: 'disabled',
width: 150,
label: 'Salary',
field: 'salary',
sort: 'disabled',
width: 100,
rows: [
name: 'Tiger Nixon',
position: 'System Architect',
office: 'Edinburgh',
age: '61',
date: '2011/04/25',
salary: '$320',
clickEvent: () => testClickEvent(1),
name: 'Garrett Winters',
position: 'Accountant',
office: 'Tokyo',
age: '63',
date: '2011/07/25',
salary: '$170',
name: 'Ashton Cox',
position: 'Junior Technical Author',
office: 'San Francisco',
age: '66',
date: '2009/01/12',
salary: '$86',
name: 'Cedric Kelly',
position: 'Senior Javascript Developer',
office: 'Edinburgh',
age: '22',
date: '2012/03/29',
salary: '$433',
name: 'Airi Satou',
position: 'Accountant',
office: 'Tokyo',
age: '33',
date: '2008/11/28',
salary: '$162',
name: 'Brielle Williamson',
position: 'Integration Specialist',
office: 'New York',
age: '61',
date: '2012/12/02',
salary: '$372',
name: 'Herrod Chandler',
position: 'Sales Assistant',
office: 'San Francisco',
age: '59',
date: '2012/08/06',
salary: '$137',
name: 'Rhona Davidson',
position: 'Integration Specialist',
office: 'Tokyo',