Elegant UI Kit library and reusable components for building mobile-first, responsive webistes and web apps
With contrast you can build beautiful, well crafted components and pages for your projects using contrast. Check out our free admin template built with contrast here.
Contrast Design Bootstrap is an elegant bootstrap UI kit featuring over 2000+ basic components, which can be integrated with any react project to build mobile first, responsive and elegant websites and web apps.
We built a Free and PRO admin template using Contrast. This includes pages and dashboards which you can easily used to get started on any sass, admin, prelaunch or web app projects.
Download Admin templateContrast has over 2000+ varaints and Contrast Pro ships with over 10000+ variants of its UI components which have also been well documented to show the different ways they can be combined.
Preview ComponentsWe packaged the Contrast design Bootstrap as an npm package that can be installed via npm or yarn. Which means you can get started using it by just running a single command npm install cdbreact.
We have also designed a Pro version of Contrast to give you access to more features and improvements. Check it out
View full documentation here
Contrast will be updated frequently to keep everything up to date and implement fixes
Contrast was made to be easily installable without much issues. You can get started by using the cdn which is provided in the documentation
We have made sure to provide a detailed documentation of all that you can do with Contrast. Also this will be updated frequently to reflect any changes
Contrast was built to have a robust set of components that can be used in any type of web project
Contrast also comes with a elegant templates such as the landing and admin template which was built to help you get started quicker with any web project
Contrast does not use jquery and all the components are isolated from each other to encourage modularity
You can support Contrast by leaving a star on our github to help others discover it and spread the word. We will greatly appreciate it.